Theme Neurodegenerative diseases
Target audience drug discovery companies, academic innovators, service companies and technology providers in the field of proteopathic neurodegenerative diseases
Language English


On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th of May 2022 the Neuro4D International Conference on Neuro Degenerative Disease Drug Discovery = Neuro4D, will be held (face to face!) after two years of COVID-caused absence in beautiful Mainz, Germany. This highly interactive conference brings together drug discovery companies, academic innovators, service companies and technology providers in the field of proteopathic neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia Parkinson’s disease, FTD, ALS, etc.


The conference brings together academic and industry experts in this focused drug discovery field, stirring-up productive discussions, facilitating new contacts and collaboration. Many successful partnerships have already resulted from our first two conferences, as participants really get to know each other, their projects, and technologies over the entire two days.

Condensed top-level presentations are followed by Q&A and podium discussions in each session, encouraging interaction with the audience. Details can be shown and discussed at the posters.

The developing program can be reviewed online on the website and is updated at the end of each month.

Date and Location

Start date Monday, May 16, 2022
Location Mainz, Germany

Costs and registration

Costs: 590 euros (early bird ticket) and 790 (regular ticket)
Registration: via registration form on the website.


Andreas Köpke, PhD, Organizer